1 Windows 2 Delete the font? 3 Delete the OLE object? 4 Delete the file association? 5 Remove the shared DLL registry entry? 6 7 Please confirm that you would like to copy the file "%s" to "%s". 8 Please confirm that you would like to register the OLE object referenced by "%s". 9 Please confirm that you would like to remove the association between the file extension "%s" and the program "%s". 10 Please confirm that you would like to remove the font "%s". 11 Please confirm that you would like to remove the OLE object referenced by the registry entry "%s". 12 Please confirm you would like to remove "%s" as a shared DLL from the Windows registry. 1000 Invalid file associations 1001 Invalid Window fonts 1003 Invalid OLE objects 1004 Shared DLLs missing 1005 Windows auto refresh is disabled 1006 Menu popup delay is slow 1007 Windows icon spacing 1008 Windows animation is enabled 1009 Update your Windows NT emergency recovery disk 2000 The association for the file type "%s" is invalid. (%s) 2001 The %s font could not be found 2002 Windows auto refresh is disabled. 2003 Windows animation is enabled 2004 Menu popup delay is slow. 2005 The OLE object "%s" referenced by "%s" is not available. 2006 The Windows icon spacing setting is too small. 2007 The Windows icon spacing setting is too large. 2008 The shared DLL, %s, could not be located. 2011 It has been %d days since you updated your Windows emergency disk. 2012 PC Medic cannot determine the last time you create or updated your Windows emergency recovery disk. 3000 Remove the font from Windows registry. 3001 Automatically locate the font and copy to the Windows font directory. 3002 Manually locate the font and copy to the Windows font directory. 3003 Run Windows Add Software Wizard to install Windows components. 3004 Remove the OLE object from the Windows registry. * 3005 Automatically locate the OLE object and re-register it with Windows. 3006 Manually locate the OLE object and re-register it with Windows. 3007 Enable Windows auto refresh. 3008 Optimize the Windows menu popup rate. 3009 Remove the Windows file association. * 3010 Disable the Windows animation effect. 3011 Optimize Windows icon spacing. 3012 Automatically locate the DLL and copy to the Windows system directory. 3013 Manually locate the DLL and copy to the Windows system directory. 3014 Remove the shared DLL from Windows. 3015 Update your Windows emergency recovery disk 4000 Verifying file type associations... 4001 Validating Window fonts... 4002 Validating OLE objects... 4004 Verifying Windows shared DLLs... 4005 Checking if Windows auto refresh is enabled... 4006 Determining Windows menu popup delay... 4007 Checking Windows animation... 4008 Browsing for %s... 4009 Searching for file "%s"... 7000 An error occured with the Windows registry. 7001 Cancelled by the user. 7002 The file "%s" could not be copied to "%s". 7003 The OLE object referenced by "%s" could not be registered. 7004 The file "%s" could not be found. 7005 Could not run the Windows Add/Remove Program properties. 7006 Unable to launch Repair Disk. 8000 A file association links an application with a specific file type. The application is automatically launched when a file of the file type is opened. An association becomes invalid when the application cannot be located. \n \nAn association may become temporarily invalid or "stale" if the application is located on a networked or removable device. 8001 The Windows auto refresh feature automatically updates explorer views when an file is added, moved or deleted. If the feature is disabled, the user is required to manually refresh the view. 8002 A font is implemented in a file that is registered with Windows. A font becomes invalid when the file is not located in the correct location. 8003 The Windows icon spacing setting is not optimally configured. This may cause the text or grapics of icons to overlap. 8004 The Windows setting for the delay before the Start menu displays is set to high. Lower the setting to improve system performance. 8005 The Windows animation feature adds an animation effect to windows when minimized or restored. Disable this feature to improve system performance. 8006 An OLE object is a special application registered with Windows. An OLE object becomes invalid when the application cannot be located. 8007 A dynamic link library (DLL) is a file required by an application in order to execute. A shared DLL is a DLL that is registered with Windows and shared among one or more applications. \n \nA shared DLL is missing temporarily or "stale" when located on a networked or removable device. 8008 This solution will enable the Window auto refresh feature. \n \nThe Windows auto refresh feature automatically updates explorer views when an file is added, moved or deleted. If the feature is disabled, the user is required to manually refresh the view. 8009 Manually search for the missing DLL. Once located, the DLL will be copied to the correct location. 8010 Manually search for the mising font. Once located, the font file will be copied to the correct location. 8011 Manually search for the missing OLE object. Once located, Windows will be updated with the new location of the OLE object. 8012 This solution will unregister the association between the file type and the application. It is important to note that no files will be deleted. 8013 This solution will unregister the invalid font with Windows. It is important to note that no files will be deleted. 8014 This solution will unregister the invalid OLE object with Windows. It is important to note that no files will be deleted. 8015 This solution will unregister the invalid shared DLL with Windows. It is important to note that no files will be deleted. 8016 This solution will disable the Windows animation feature. The Windows animation feature adds an animation effect to windows when minimized or restored. Disable this feature to improve system performance. 8017 This solution will automatically locate the missing shared DLL. If located, the DLL will be copied to the correct location. 8018 This solution will automatically locate the missing font file. If located, the font file will be copied to the correct location. 8019 This solution will automatically locate the missing OLE object. If located, Windows will be updated with the new location of the OLE object. 8020 This solution will optimally configure Windows icon spacing. If the icon spacing is incorrect, the text and graphics of icons may overlap. 8021 This solution will allow you to use the Windows Add/Remove Programs properties dialog to install Windows components or a third party application. 8022 This solution will optimally configure the delay for the Windows Start menu. 8023 The Windows emergency recovery disk allows you to restore critical Windows settings and recover from a damaged installation of Windows. You should update your emergency disk frequently. 8024 This solution allows you to update or create a Windows emergency disk. The Windows emergency recovery disk allows you to restore critical Windows settings and recover from a damaged installation of Windows. You should update your emergency disk frequently. 57344 PC Medic 97